Lab 5: Convection from a Single Block

Lab Assignment

The assignment for measuring the heat transfer coefficient from a single low profile package was handed out in class.

There was a small bug that might cause aveAgilentDataGUI to hang. An updated version of aveAgilentDataGUI is now available on the web page for MATLAB codes for the class. As usual, I recommend downloading the entire zip archive of codes to get the latest version of all the files. The archive does not contain the three files linked below for data reduction

Also note that sometimes Benchlink will write a text file with an incomplete last line. If that happens you will get an error message from aveAgilentDataGUI that looks like this:

    Error in loadColData:
        number of data points = 26617 does not equal nrow*ncol
        data: nrow = 831.781250  ncol = 32

The solution is to open the data file (the file exported by Benchlink) and delete the incomplete last line from the bottom.

Use the following MATLAB code and sample data file as a start on the data reduction. The mfiles are not finished! You will have to add code.

getBlockData.m reads the MAT file exported by aveAgilentDataGUI and converts thermocouple voltages and thermistor resistance to temperature. The uncertainties in the sensor data are also computed and returned to the calling program. To complete this function you will need to (1) add lines in the code to convert other voltages to temperatures, including computing averages of temperatures; and (2) add more variable names to the return argument list. Think first, then write code. Make a list on paper of the variables you will need for data reduction. Any of these variables that are temperatures (along with their uncertainties) should be computed in getBlockData and returned in the output argument list of getBlockData.
reduceBlock.m calls getBlockData and peforms data reduction to compute the heat transfer coefficient. Again, think first, then write code. The data reduction formulas you developed for the homework assignment should appear in the reduceBlock function. Better yet, I recommend that you write another function, say htc.m that has the single task of computing the heat transfer coefficients given all of the input temperatures and geometric variables. That function would have a similar role to nozzleFlow.m for the flow bench data reduction. The advantage of a separate htc function is that it makes the sequential perturbation calculation easy and clean to implement.
sampleBlockData.mat is a MAT file will averaged data from two measurements of heat transfer coefficient. You can use sampleBlockData.mat to learn how getBlockData and reduceBlock work. You will use your own data file with your modified versions of getBlockData and reduceBlock.

Grading Rubric

The grading rubric will be posted later. This lab will not have a formal lab report.