Lab 1: Introduction to Temperature Measurement

Lab Assignment

The assignment for thermocouple construction and comparison was handed out in class. The link in the preceding sentence is to a revised version of that document.

Grading Rubric

The following table provides the grading rubric that is used to score your report. Be sure to address each of the categories in your report. The Max Score column allows you to see the relative importance of each category.

CategoryMax score

Accuracy and format of sketches10
Report of raw data 5
Conversion of ice-bath and zone-box compensated thermocouple circuits30
Grammar, spelling, organization and clarity of prose10



Include at least two sketches: one showing the layout of the lab equipment; another showing the wiring circuit for the two ice-point compensated thermocouples. The sketches do not need to be elaborate. In particular, the sketch of the equipment should be a schematic, not an artist rendering of the equipment. An annotated digital photograph would be acceptable.

Report the raw data as voltage (EMF), resistance, and direct readings from the bulb thermometer and the panel meter.

Conversion of the thermocouple outputs will be graded primarily on correctness of your reported values. Provide a short description of the compuational process for converting the voltages to temperature. Show one example (either hand calculation, MATLAB session, or spreasheet excerpt) of the calculation details. Do not list MATLAB programs unless you wrote them.

Present your converted temperature data in a table. Numerical quantities (temperature, EMF) must have units. Identifying the units in the column headings is preferred.

All tables and figures must be numbered and have a caption. Refer to the description of the short report format for examples.

The discussion should include comparision of the outputs of the different temperature sensors and the different thermocouple circuits. Which sensor or circuit is most accurate? What accounts for the differences between the sensors and circuits?