Fluid Flow Animations

This web page contains links to short flow animations I have created to help explain basic flow phenomena. From the short list of animations you see that it is just a beginning.

The animations are Quicktime movies embedded into web pages. You will need to have Quicktime 2.x or greater installed in your computer. This software is free and can be downloaded directly from an Apple web page. I recommend that you install the Quicktime Plug-in for your web browser. The plug-in allows you to view the animations on the same page with the text describing the animations.

Stagnation Point Flow
Two-dimensional flow approaching a solid wall. Animation only, no explanatory text.
Boundary Layer Flow
The classic laminar boundary layer over a flat plat. Animation only, no explanatory text.
Shear Flow Kinematics
Decomposition of a simple shear flow into a purely rotational flow and a deformation flow. These animations and notes should be helpful to someone beginning to study fluid dynamics at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level.
Inviscid Flow Past a Cylinder
Watch fluid blobs move through a two-dimensional, inviscid flow past a cylinder. This animation is based on the MATLAB code in Section 7.10 of Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica and MATLAB, R. Malek-Madani, 1998 Addison-Wesley Longman, ISBN 0-201-59881-7 (volume 1)

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