Getting started with MATLAB

The following screencasts and review notes are intended to help new users get started using MATLAB.

Orientation to MATLAB

Screencast, 9 minutes (MP4)

Review notes for the screencast

Creating m-file functions

Screencast, 12 minutes (MP4)

Review notes for the screencast

Making (x,y) plots and importing data

Screencast, 22 minutes (MP4)

Review notes for the screencast

salinity05_data.txt data file

salinity10_data.txt data file

salinity15_data.txt data file

Creating a polynomial curve fit to thermistor data

Screencast, 16 minutes (MP4)

Review notes for the screencast

thermistor_calibration.xlsx data file in Excel format

thermistor_data.txt data file in tab-delimited format

plot_calibration_data.m: An m-file to read the calibration data from the tab-delimited file and plot the averaged voltage as a function of temperature

plot_thermistor_histograms.m: An m-file to read the calibration data from the tab-delimited file and plot histograms of the measured voltage at each calibration temperature.

fit_thermistor_calibration.m: An m-file to read the calibration data from the tab-delimited file, obtain and plot a polynomial curve fit to V=f(T), and plot the residuals of that curve fit.

Obsolete: Thermistor Calibration of the form T = f(R) with Excel

This screencast is obsolete, but it is here for your reference. The screencast presents a calibration of thermistor output as a function of resistance. We recommend a direct calibration of the voltage divider output of the form T = f(V).

The screencast shows how to construct and properly label the axes of plots in Excel, how to obtain a polynomial curve fit in Excel, and how to extract the coefficients of the curve fit in a form that allows those coefficients to be reused.

As you watch the screencasts you may want to look at these supporting files

The screencasts are large MP4 format files and are available in two sizes: Large and 3/4 size. The large size will fill a small computer screen and may make it difficult to find and manipulate the controls. The 3/4 screen size will fit better on a smaller screen.

The Excel demonstrations are currently for the Excel 2003 on Windows. The Macintosh version of Excel (2011) is different and so is the latest Windows version. Therfore, expect some of the details of the user interface to be different. I won't be able to update these screencasts any time soon.